Step into the enigmatic world of Demon Slayer with this exclusive Kokushibo T-shirt. Kokushibo, formerly known as Michikatsu Tsugikuni, is a formidable demon holding the position of Upper Rank One among the Twelve Kizuki. As the older twin brother of Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the progenitor of all Breathing Styles, Kokushibo’s complex character and immense strength make him a captivating figure in the series.
This T-shirt features a striking design of Kokushibo, highlighting his distinctive six eyes and the intricate patterns of his purple-and-black hexagonal-patterned nagagi kimono. The artwork captures his majestic and dignified appearance, as described by Muichiro Tokito, and reflects his profound connection to the Moon Breathing technique.
Whether you’re drawn to Kokushibo’s tragic backstory, his unparalleled swordsmanship, or his complex relationship with his brother Yoriichi, this T-shirt is a must-have addition to your wardrobe. Showcase your appreciation for one of Demon Slayer’s most compelling characters with this exclusive apparel.
Garment Care
100% Hand-wash
Do not bleach
Do not tumble dry